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Royally Bundled Bun


Male Version by Freya

A elegant winter dress decorated with floral motifs. Fur trim accentuates the very, very long, flowey sleeves. An equippable, optional hood and capelet will keep your head toasty.

Replaces the Far Eastern Schoolgirl's Hakama and Hair Ribbon.

Fur color can be changed on colorset row 16 of mat c for the dress and mat b for the hood. Floral motifs are on row 10 and adjacent.

All my mods are made from scratch in Marvelous Designer, 3ds Max and Substance Painter.

Thank you so much to R.B.B. for the idea and modeling. Thanks also to Tsar and Illy for the Bibo+ small and large bodies. Bibo+ is required for this to work.