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Techwear Jacket


Sporty, heckin cute, and stylish, this jacket includes snazzy pockets with buckles, a lined zipper, more buckles (really, who can ever have enough?). It's on a ring so you can wear it over a tshirt, wear it over a long sleeve, a crop top, or even... nothing. *Gasp!* Simple, clean, effective. A great addition to any outfit!

Designed to fit all tall ladies and midlander/highlander-based gentlemen!

Replaces the Lignum Vitae Ring (left) but you can change in the installer.

Dyeable in the colorset or with Anamnesis.

A special thank you to Bizu for the commission, and Cerise for the absolutely stunning preview picture. Additional thanks go to Ling for the title card edits and SerenaTea for the descriptions.